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Motorbike - Kick It Over CD

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  • Regular price $12.99

Preorder: Ships around the street date of March 21. Edition of 100 shrinkwrapped in a digipak with 12 panel poster. CD includes four bonus tracks.

Like a white-knuckled ride through the haunted moor—Motorbike returns triumphant. Jerri’s collarbone has since set but the dust is yet to settle. Five players, ten tracks, and enough RPM to kick off your old lady.

This second Motorbike album holds greater song structure and scrutiny, building on the power of their self-titled '23 debut. Recorded in an Ohio basement back and forth between busy schedules over a six month period. Some live, some layered. A true group effort to let the cats out the bag and onto tape.

Raise your glass, pump some gas, Kick It Over.

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