Frequently Asked Questions

I've placed an order. How soon before it is shipped?

Orders for in stock items are generally shipped next business day. Preorders will have an anticipated ship date listed. Please note that any items ordered in combination with a preorder will not ship until all preorder items are in stock. A tracking number will be provided for all orders upon shipment.

Can I add new arrival items to an existing order that hasn't shipped?

Absolutely. Simply check out using the pickup option at checkout to avoid the shipping charge, but make sure to reference any previous order numbers so we know to combine orders.

Is local pickup in Cincinnati available?

Yes indeed. Pickup available at 356 Ludlow Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45220. Our hours are: Sun-Mon 12-6pm, Tues-Sat 11am-7pm. Pickup orders placed online are typically ready within 24hrs and a notification will be sent once your order is ready.

Do you buy record collections?

Yes! LPs, 45s, cassettes, CDs. Shoot an email to or call (513) 291-3322 and let us know what you've got. We are within a day's drive of 60% of the US and will travel for quality collections.

My order arrived but there are missing or damaged items. How can we resolve this issue?

This rarely happens, but if you're unhappy for any reason - use the contact form on the site and we'll sort this out in a fair and timely manner.

My band has a release that we'd like to submit for your consideration. How can we submit our music?

Use the contact form to submit digitally - Bandcamp/Soundcloud links, or audio as email attachments are preferred. Please, no Spotify or Apple Music links.

If you prefer to mail a physical copy, please ask for our mailing address. Our schedule is currently booked full for the rest of 2024. Due to the high volume of submissions, we are unable to guarantee a reply to every submission that is received. Please also note that we are unable to assist with production, feedback on mixes, etc. Only submit material you would like to have considered for release. Thanks!

My store is interested in carrying the new ____ record on Feel It. How can we pick up copies at a wholesale rate?

Absolutely. Email and we'll get back to you with a full catalog. Additionally, Feel It releases are available from the following distributors: Revolver, Sorry State, Fantastique, and Cobraside in the US, Sounds of Subterrania + Sonic Rendezvous in Europe, and Strangeworld in Australia.

Can I license a song from a Feel It release for my film/television show/commercial?

Yes, our catalog is represented by Sub Pop Licensing -

Where else can I find Feel It on the web?

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