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Happy Friday everyone, and thanks to all who took part in our Cyber Monday sale. I want to start out by congratulating Sweeping Promises on earning a spot in NPR Music's 100 Best Songs of 2020, with "Hunger for a Way Out" coming in at number 82! Their debut album is back in print today, see below for more details. Another great album we released in 2020 is Man-Eaters' Gentle Ballads for the Simple Soul, which is also back in print, alongside a brand new music video for "Baptized in Spit". What a bunch of rockers. New cassette releases from The Cowboys and Star Party just arrived and are ready to ship now!Be...

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The Toms - The 1979 Sessions LP "For many years, Tommy Marolda has been a versatile member of the American music industry: a multi-instrumentalist, producer, engineer, composer, Grammy-nominated songwriter...the list goes on. But record nerds like me know Tommy because of a single weekend in 1979. He was scheduled to record demos with the Smithereens in his New Jersey home studio, but their last-minute cancelation gave Tommy a small window to record something of his own. After three days of hitting the record button and dashing back to his instruments, Tommy had more than 30 slabs of pop perfection on...

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The Toms - The 1979 Sessions LP 2020 has been full of curveballs. I suppose that getting to work with a Grammy-nominated songwriter and producer wasn't exactly on my to-do list when the year began...Well, I'm beyond thrilled to announce that Feel It will be issuing The Toms 1979 Sessions as an LP on November 20th! Preorders are live now.Any powerpop aficionados out there will be quick to recognize the name - and really, The Toms belong in the same school as recognized classics like The Nerves and Dwight Twilley. The true story of the The Toms begins one New Jersey weekend in 1979,...

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Good morning from Richmond, good afternoon from Kiev, and good evening from Melbourne - today is a truly international release day, with new albums from Morwan and Smarts. I just returned from the pressing plant with Morwan LPs and will start shipping preorders today. The Smarts vinyl is pressed, but the jackets have to be reprinted, so please allow an extra 2-3 weeks for shipment if you preordered a Smarts LP. We should have those at the end of the month, along with the new Feel It tees and totes. If you would like to add anything to an existing, unshipped preorder, simply place another...

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Hello again! It's been an insane few weeks since our last update. The Sweeping Promises LP has been getting all kinds of great reviews, mentions, airplay, and playlist selections. We actually pre-sold the entire second pressing, but the fine folks at Blue Sprocket Pressing are going the extra mile to run a third pressing (all black vinyl with new dark green center labels) at the same time as the second pressing - so yes, you can still preorder the LP on our site or Bandcamp. We should also note that this is the final week that we'll be offering preorders for Sweeping Promises and Zits shirts. Finally,...

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