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Believe it or not, Spring is just around the corner. We have somehow survived the hardest part of the winter—and the reward is new music from your rowdy pals in Cincy's Motorbike and Montreal punk chanteurs Private Lives. Both albums drop March 21 just in time for longer days filled with sunshine and daydreams. As if that wasn’t enough, the most lovable dummies in the whole wide world, Citric Dummies, get their LP repressed along with the LP from cerebral post-punk rockers Optic Sink to please the yin and the yang of your personality. Represses of Motorbike's first ripper and the Smirk LP are also in the pipeline....

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Happy new year everyone! Hope y'all had a good holiday season out there. We will begin announcing 2025 releases in February. In the meantime, we're clearing space in our warehouse for new titles, which means a big sale on label LPs - at the inflation-busting price of just $6 per. This deal does not work on Bandcamp, but check it out direct on our site. Prices good through January 31. Upcoming gigs at the shop!

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Folks! We've reached the end of the road for 2024 release announcements. Thanks for hanging with us and supporting another insanely prolific year for the label. It means a lot. We saved a couple of the best for last - new albums from Corker and Why Bother? Both will be out on October 18. We've also got new singles to share for the Class and Disintegration albums that will be out this Friday - LPs are shipping now. Qlowski have also shared a second single and video from their next album, out November 1. Cheers! -Sam Corker - Hallways of Grey (artwork: Achilles Marionidis / photo: Angie Willcutt)Bandcamp - single "Vital...

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Howdy y'all, another week and another sweet new album to announce. The one-and-only Man-Eaters return with their third album on Feel It, entitled Quatro Muchachos. They continue to rock harder than almost everyone out there, and the album features world class artwork from the Eaters' own Drügface. LPs available to preorder now, including a sixteen page zine. Man-Eaters - Quatro Muchachos Bandcamp - single "Creepy Crawl"Premiere + Interview at Post-TrashPreorder LP direct from Feel It (releases October 18)300 Black w/ 16 page zine  “Quatro Muchachos” is the third Man-Eaters entry in an ongoing tale of crushingly primal punk rock that asks only one question of...

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hat's up folks - even more new releases have arrived! Freak Genes and Louse preorders have shipped, Disintegration LPs are currently being assembled, and we've also got a new CLASS album to announce today! They are about to hit the road on a short tour around Gonerfest - check their socials for more info on the gigs. We are psyched to have CLASS play at the shop here in Cincy on October 1! CLASS - A Healthy Alternative Bandcamp - single "Scared to Care"Premiere + Interview at Paperface ZinePreorder LP direct from Feel It (releases October 4)500 Black w/ full color jacket + insert "My mates went on holiday to the Isles for this one. Galactic...

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