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Smirk - "LP" LP

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  • Regular price $19.99

Preorder: Ships early-mid March. Fourth US pressing: 100 copies on black vinyl.
Packaged in a reverse board sleeve with hype sticker.

Hailing from Los Angeles and coated in a layer of warbled analog glory comes the debut full length album from Smirk, the solo project helmed by Nick Vicario (Public Eye, Crisis Man). These 11 meticulously crafted tracks originally appeared on two small run cassettes in 2020 and have since been remastered at North London Bomb Factory and paired with fresh artwork from Smoking Room.

A trebly & wiry punk sound comes into effect straight out of the gate, reminiscent of the early Dangerhouse Records singles as well as the “Bloodstains Across...” comps (to be more precise). But there's far more to Smirk - with great songwriting, precision, and instrumentation that seem to emanate from a past that never was, bursting any preconceived sub-genre bubbles from this reality and those parallel to it. ‘LP’ is a tour de force of bratty, pissed off punk energy.

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