Anti Fade

Alien Nosejob - Cold Bare Facts 7"

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Alien Nosejob kicks down the doors, all guns blazing on the savage new “Cold Bare Facts” 7”. 1970’s Australian crime and 1980’s Australian hardcore tangle between drum machine and a world of guitar. “See the slain man with a hole in his neck glugging like a kettle full of jam”, Jake Robertson vividly sets the scene across his gruesomely descriptive lyrics like a dog returning to its vomit.
Cold Bare Facts is two cuts from an album of demos recorded in 2023 - songs to be re-recorded in 2024 for an upcoming album to be released in 2025. More to come on that down the line.
The Executioner is a story about criminals working with police, informing on other criminals and putting their loved ones lives at risk. Loosely based on Warren Lanfranchi and Sallie-Anne Huckstepp, who were both murdered by disgraced (and recently deceased) Sydney cop Roger Rogerson, “The Judge, The Jury and The Executioner” is a direct quote taken from a brave interview of Huckstepp exposing the corrupt NSW Police force, just weeks after Lanfranchi was murdered by the police. West Side Story is about gang violence in Australia, police involvement and the innocent lives that get caught in the middle. It features infamous quotes from career criminals and tidbits of horrific underworld events which occurred in the last 50 years. Musically it’s a driving, mid tempo, borderline hardcore blast.
Cold Bare Facts is a one-time 7” pressing of 300 copies available February 16, 2024 on Anti Fade Records.

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