
Mean Jeans – Are You Serious?

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  • Regular price $18.00


THE MEAN JEANS were born when, at the ripe ages of 23 and 24, Jeans Wilder (skins, vox and smokes) and Billy Jeans (vox, riffs and spliffs) started playing their parent's DC-area basements in the winter of 2006. They grew another member, Howie Doodat (AKA Jean Jeans on the bass guitar), after moving to Portland a year later. They've been pounding out drunken headbanging seshes across the US since then. This doesn't count the Chattanooga Tennessee stop, where high schoolers stole their spot and played Blink 182 songs for over an hour. The Miller High Life wasn't getting them drunk at all, and the guy who "booked" the show was weeping in his sister's arms.

Now THE JEANS already have 14 combined-inches of wax under their belts with the Rehab Records released self-titled affair and the License To Chill 45 from their new home at Dirtnap Records (who you should congratulate for their 10th year on this planet).

From what the band remembers, they recorded their own damn record with the help of ghost-producer, Billy Grippo. Qross has a killer hair-do and recorded Are You Serious as well as the Spits Vol IV. The 2 tapes that contained the sonic abuse of THE MEAN JEANS debut long-player were almost lost for eternity in Qross couch cushions but were uncovered by some girl named Courtney.

The 13 garage pop tunes of Are You Serious harkens back to the Lookout! Records of the early 90s, when pop-punk meant snotty low-brow 3 chord goodness and not glossy soundtracks to mall strolls.

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